News & Media
Talks with Andrea

On Addiction and Recovery, an interview with Andrea by Steven Spierer of Talk Radio One, March 1, 2025

Andrea is interviewed by Michael T. Kokal on the End of the Road podcast, January 2, 2025
Andrea is interviewed by Steven Spierer of Talk Radio One, December 21, 2024
On Sri Aurobindo – Andrea van de Loo sharing with the Friends of Jung
Andrea introduces us to Sri Aurobindo and his works.
Overcoming marijuana Addiction with Andrea van de Loo
Mel van Dusen interviews Andrea van de Loo at her home in Santa Cruz about her experience with marijuana addiction and her recovery.
Psychedelic Session Work
By Andrea van de Loo
Psychedelic Session Work can provide openings and breakthroughs that are difficult or near impossible to achieve by any other means. The ordinary mind, the one we usually consider to be our conscious mind, is in fact the very instrument that protects us from those feelings we could not express and did not have support for in our tender young life…
Mother’s talk on Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem Savitri, A Legend and a Symbol
By The Mother
In truth, the entire form of Savitri has descended “en masse” from the highest region and Sri Aurobindo with his genius only arranged the lines—in a superb and magnificent style. Sometimes entire lines were revealed and he has left them intact; he worked hard, untiringly, so that the inspiration could come from the highest possible summit…