Through the Dark of Night

Lifetimes of turning around the ancient tower
of searching for a Father God –
finding Her in my own true self
the great benevolent Mother of Life.
Turning to Her again and again
she is the lifeline to my soul
her photograph inviting me
Again and again to gaze
Ever more deeply in myself.


Walking in the early morning
awakening of the world
along the softly lapping bay
the clean expanse of beach
laid out before me
in a gracious curve.
The whole creation shimmers
with your light.

Silent Snake Full of Love

Having lived long and much and many times,
I have run out of the need to be something or someone;
anything other than a kind, somewhat intelligent, somewhat wise,
loving and generous soul amongst many,
anchored in the Great Love, the Source,
a particle of the Great I Am –
always looking for That in you and you and you

A New World

Going inward,
I see my grey sleek wolf’s belly
moving forward on long legs striding,
free, clear, unassuming.
My natural strength moving me forward
into the clear space ahead.

Doorstep Delivery

What was left on my doorstep
Like an abandoned orphan?
Will someone please take care of her,
Claim her and take her home?
But no, years later she was still there
Shivering in the cold
Silent and beyond hunger,
Her big eyes looking at me darkly.